Strategy activation, transformation and change management

We maximise the likelihood of successful implementation of the strategy. To do this, we create the key prerequisites for the workforce: understanding, identification, clarity of their own contribution and structures for sustainable implementation. 

In the spotlight: Understanding & implementing individual strategy contributions



Manufacturer of medical devices

approx. 2,000 employees

The company's growth strategy is poorly coordinated across departments and is not understood in terms of content by large sections of the workforce; there is a lack of willingness to go along with it. Accordingly, it is only being implemented slowly.


Within 1 year:

  • A strategy coordinated across departments is defined and presented in a visually understandable way for communication
  • 85% of the workforce has defined their contribution to the new strategy as a team and individually and coordinated it with the manager
  • 6 months after the contribution was defined, managers still confirm a clear commitment among 80% of the workforce to implement the strategy


Status Quo

  • Assessment of status quo through interviews with executive level, selected division and team leaders

Most important levers

Coordinate corporate strategy and make it understandable

  • Workshops to develop and coordinate the strategy between the departments and selected representatives from different hierarchies
  • Visual presentation of the strategy through illustration & presentations and involvement of different stakeholders in the development
  • Internal dissemination of the prepared strategy via various channels (print, online)
  • Guided strategy talks at management level, preparation of guidelines for team leaders on how to communicate with employees

Define your contribution to achieving the strategy

  • Workshops to derive the divisional, departmental and team strategy based on the corporate strategy (central contribution, KPI and milestones over the next 2 years)
  • Design of workshop templates for team leaders to independently implement strategy workshops with their team to derive the individual contribution to the strategy (central contribution, KPI and milestones in the next 2 years)

Implement OKR for focused execution company-wide

  • Introduction of OKR framework: OKR coaches training, involvement of management to monitor implementation and fine-tuning, sparring and support of streams when defining key results, alignment among remaining streams, fine-tuning in BI-weekly meetings

Helping managers to keep up with implementation

  • Offering coaching for all managers specific to this topic


  • Regular check-ups to raise the mood and strategy understanding of the workforce
  • Conception and moderation of townhalls with board and staff to communicate various aspects of the strategy
  • Design and moderation of fireside chats with executives and the board


Central initiatives implemented

Individual contribution defined and aligned

Time spent

We bring culture and strategy together.

To create momentum for your strategy implementation.

We look forward to working with you to make your success story a reality

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