Intralab — Intrapreneurs of Tomorrow
Our company name says it all. As an Intrapreneurial Lab, we create framework conditions that turn managers into intrapreneurs — in mindset and in action.

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In our opinion, intrapreneurs are the recipe for successful companies of the future. They are proactive drivers of change in that they are motivated by the framework that the company offers them to initiate change where they create maximum benefit.
We offer decision makers in companies a laboratory environment in which they learn to use the necessary tools that they need to implement these framework conditions in the corporate environment. We are the sparring partners for change.
The world of companies and the economy is constantly changing. Technological advances, new market trends and changing customer needs require companies to constantly adapt and innovate in order to remain competitive. In this context, the role of the intrapreneur has developed, which is regarded by more and more companies as an important part of their strategy. But what does this term mean and what does the term “Intrapreneurial Laboratory” mean for business consulting?
“In our opinion, intrapreneurs are the recipe for success for successful companies of the future. *Fish text

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For a management consultancy, the Intrapreneurial Laboratory concept can be an important tool to help companies introduce an entrepreneurial mindset. By setting up such a laboratory, consulting firms can help companies set the stage for intrapreneur development by creating an environment that promotes the exchange of ideas and collaboration within the organization. In addition, a management consultancy can help shape the corporate culture in such a way that intrapreneurs receive the necessary support and freedom to implement their ideas.
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Overall, the Intrapreneurial Laboratory concept can make an important contribution to the development and implementation of innovative ideas within companies. For a management consultancy, it can be an important tool to help companies promote intrapreneurship and thus also strengthen their innovative strength and competitiveness.